Tag Archives: Blackberry

Mobile gets social media on the move

Everyone is doing it. Apart from me.

Everyday I log into Facebook from my “mobile” desk of a Dell Inspiron, it seems I see another five of my friends have added one of the 461 facebook applications for iphone.


Even the most technophobe of mates, as soon as he or she gets an iphone, is adding the handy little app that lets them update their facebook statuses or check their messages whilst on the move.

Indeed the stats speak for themselves: mobile social media usage shot up last year by 152%, with the UK having the largest penetration in the market with 9%.

And it would seem that it is the popularity of the iPhone 3G (every man and his dog seemed to have bought one for Christmas), as well as the blackberry and Nokia N series phones that has really spurred the growth in mobile social media usage.

Or has it?

Could it be that the public’s obsession with social networking and micro-blogging sites like Twitter has fuelled the sale of mobiles (cel phones to our American cousins) with advanced internet access?

It will be interesting to see if the now established recession puts a dent in both sales of 3g mobiles and the latest form of mobile communication.

Now I just have to work out how I’m going to afford an iPhone…

President 2.Obama

We all knew that this administration was going to be technologically more advanced than previous terms when Barrack Obama won the 2008 election to become the 44th President of the United States of America.

Not only did the Democrats stunningly over achieve with online donations, enabling them to out spend the Republicans out of the water, we also got the first presidential candidate to embrace social media.

His campaign team used @BarrackObama, as well as facebook, youtube and myspace to reach an audience of potential voters and doners that traditionally could have been ignored by past campaigns. Obama has also become the first President to use email and amazingly kept his blackberry, although will be restricted in its use to a small group of select Whitehouse staffers.

By using social media, email marketing and clever media buys Obama was able to enthuse and mobilize the youth vote that proved incredibly important on November 5th.

Finally it seems, we have a web 2.0 international leader: President 2.Obama.

President Obama and his team will be using technology in an unprecedented way to reach out to the nation and beyond.

As Kevin Merrit, CEO of Blist shows in this excellent Washington Post/Tech Crunch post, the presidency has listed communication, transparency and participation as being their watchwords for their first term and as such are utilizing every channel possible to get their messages accross to the people.

So from his first Weekly Address as President on Youtube (see above), to the setting up of recovery.gov, and the first ever Presidential blog on whitehouse.gov, the US presidency has fully embraced the idea that you can no longer rely on tv and radio to reach your voters. They realise the importance of transparency in an age where anyone can look at public records, google a politicians past claims and promises or just vent on what they hate about a government with the click of a mouse.

So, if you’re not already why not join President Obama’s other 144,000 twitter followers, or the 4,422,962 registered supporters on Facebook.

Can Obama revolutionise the Whitehouse as we know it? Yes he can! (Sorry, couldn’t help it…)

UPDATE: If you want to read a great post on how exactly Obama should be using Twitter, check out Mashable for some great analysis and an extensive list of politicians who use Twitter and how they use it. I would definitely agree that whilst it’s great that Obama is on Twitter and that the Whitehouse uses it, just twittering about policy announcements is not going to get them far. They need to start turning the personal on before they turn the followers off. Remember we are a fickle bunch!!

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RT @siburgess79 President 2.Obama  http://ad.vu/m9pz